The W-30 Index

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Our Benchmarking Database

To our knowledge, we are the only firm that measures the competitive strength of companies based on customer expectations, company performance and pricing power.

From our universe of coverage, we’ve selected 30 well-known companies to form the W-30 Index of companies. This is similar to the size of a well-known industry benchmark, the Dow Jones Industrial Average of 30 prominent companies, although our selection is different.

We chose them based on their size, industry, and brand recognition, as well as their business framework:

● Premiums, that compete on quality offerings

● Challengers, that disrupt their industry by going against the status quo

● Standards, that are leaders in their industry

● Discounters, that compete on price or are free to their customers

Analyzing companies by their business frameworks provides a way to look at the power of a company’s market approach.

Rankings of the W-30 serve as a scorecard for any organization, providing unbiased data to benchmark their competitive strength. To generate the rankings, we poll tens of thousands of consumers to measure their expectations against each company’s performance.

All wRatings clients receive access to the W-30 benchmarks through our SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) platform, along with the customer data we collect for them.

To gain access to the W-30 data on the wRating platform, you can become a wRatings Insider. Subscription fees are waived when you are invited by a current wRating Insider. Find out more about the Insider Program here.

The W-30 Index of Companies

Media / Technology

Food / Retail

Industrial / Transport

Home / Finance