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At wRatings, we work with champions and future champions of their industry. Champions know how to handle challenges far better than their rivals. Learn how we help our clients handle the adversities of sales growth using the wRatings platform.
Your price is too high.
Our Needs and Competitive Profiles show you exactly where price fits in customer decision-making, identifying which value sources can be used to rationally and emotionally justify higher prices.
Your price is the same but others have better quality/performance.
Our Pricing Power measures which customer sources are more valuable to a customer than quality/performance, providing you with ways to out-smart rivals.
I just want a deal.
Our Competitive Profiles show which combination of customer needs make up the best deal in your favor.
Everyone in your industry looks the same to me.
Our Competitive Rankings show exactly where you out-perform rivals, highlighting your differentiation.
You don’t really know how to think like me.
Our Growth Contribution charts show which value sources that customers have been most paying for, and how they rank in both importance and emotional intensity.
“They show us things we really didn’t understand about our customers before, telling us accurately what impacts individual markets to keep us ahead of our competition. Every time we see an increase in our customer scores, we see an increase in our market share.”
John Zillmer
CEO, Aramark Corporation
Non-Executive Chairman, CSX Corporation
Board Member, Ecolab, Inc.
“In my 32 years of distribution, I have never seen data so rich as this. Truly a roadmap for where to focus our activities in order to increase our potential for success.”
Scott D. Cinquanta
OpCo President
Performance Foodservice
We are losing too many sales.
Our Winner Maps algorithmically lay out which value sources are Table Stakes, Strengths, and Diverge opportunities to build a unique roadmap to win more customers.
We need to close more sales now to meet quota.
Our Power Ratio Gap (PRG) shows where the best opportunities exist to drive more demand from customers based on performance levels today.
Our margins are too low.
Our Moat Ranks show how much stronger your performance and pricing power is with customers versus rivals.
Our customers don’t seem to trust us.
Our Emotional Needs show how customers want to feel when interacting with you, and which areas of your culture need improvement.
We need to cross sell and gain more wallet share.
Our Moat Profiles show where you possess competitive strengths over rivals to provide entry points across existing customers.
Our teams don’t understand what our customers expect.
We collect identical sets of data from internal teams and customers, showing where over-/under-confidence exists when compared.
We need to work on improving everything.
Our Growth Contribution chart shows which value sources that customers have been paying for, and which future areas are most likely to drive sales growth so you can focus on the top customer priorities.
Customers say we don’t do well in this one area, but our internal metrics show we actually do perform well.
Our Functional vs. Emotional Profiles show the differences in what customers say, and what customers think. Solving the latter requires a different approach.
We’re not sure which locations perform the best with customers.
The wRatings platform gathers data from the down-up, providing the most compelling performance views of a company at any geographic level.
We need to show our people how they contribute to our success as a company.
Based on our 2,628 company study over five years, we identified the customer value sources that most correlate with sales growth; Each source can be assigned to one or more departmental areas of any organization.
“Everyday companies large and small are trying to figure out how well customers will respond to what they’re planning to deliver. With wRatings, the guesswork is done. You can immediately see which companies are best positioned to out-maneuver their rivals and build market share.”
Robert D. McCormack
Pasadena Angels
“It is an honor to be recognized as one of America’s most competitive companies. This is particularly noteworthy because it is based on both our financial strength and consumer confidence in our brand.”
Dan Amos
Chairman and CEO
Aflac Incorporated
We’re not differentiated.
Our Moat Profiles create a vivid story for where your company is winning today versus your key competitors to use your strengths against their weaknesses.
We’re not sure where we have brand equity, if any.
Our Competitive Profiles show where you perform the best versus both customer expectations and competitor performance, pinpointing where you have brand equity today or over time.
We’re in a price-oriented market and cannot raise prices.
By viewing customer expectation and pricing power trends, we show where the best opportunities exist to shift markets to a value-orientation.
We don’t know which parts of our Customer Experience are most critical.
Our Needs Profiles show you the importance levels and pricing power of each aspect of the customer journey/experience.
We want to find the ‘Blue Ocean’ in our industry.
The wRatings platform algorithmically generates your company’s Winner Map, spotlighting not just your strengths today, but where your company can create fresh demand by making new rules that others must follow.
We need to prioritize client efforts to maximize their returns.
Our Needs Profiles show you size of the performance gaps across key customer areas, starting with what is most to least important along with how much sales lift can be generated for each point in performance improvement.
We need to build a compelling vision for the client’s future.
The wRatings platform identifies what are table stakes and strengths for any company, juxta-positioning key areas where a company can diverge and dominate.
We need to find the client more price elasticity.
The wRatings platform calculates the relationship between customer expectations, company performance and pricing power, and identifies which areas possess the best opportunity to raise prices without losing volume or customers.
We need to accelerate a client’s sales growth.
Based on recent studies performed by hedge funds, the wRatings platform identifies which customer moats can be exploited to generate the fastest pathways to sales growth.
We need to think outside the box for this client.
Because we collect data using similar customer value concepts, you can benchmark any client against the companies found in our coverage as well as analysis in The W Reports® library.
“As a much smaller #3 player in a highly competitive industry, our folks were much more energized once they saw the data and how easy it was to interpret. We were able to carve a major competitive point of difference, and we saw huge growth within our national accounts.”
Mike Jackson
VP Corporate Development
Coors Brewing Company
“IF THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT, a recent ranking of the 40 most competitive companies among consumers may point to some headed for greater economic profit and, possibly, a higher stock price.”
Robin Goldwyn Blumenthal
Barron’s Magazine
We need to know if a company has any customer competitive advantages.
The wRatings platform calculates the strength and power of multiple customer moats; These are the precursor to Warren Buffett’s economic moats.
We need to know if a company’s recent errors will impact customer retention.
The wRatings platform calculations an Emotional Connection Score (ECS) that identifies the bonding power customers possess with a company and its ability to overcome temporary gaps in functional performance.
We need early warning signals to identify when a company is losing customers.
The wRatings platform calculates the W-Scores™ for any company or organization, and then ranks them against their peers to identify vulnerabilities that go undetected.
We need to if a company has any pricing power with customers.
The wRatings platform measures and ranks companies based on how much pricing power their customers say a company possesses.
We need to know if customer perceive a company as more value- or price-oriented.
The wRatings platform compares customer expectations, company performance, and pricing power over time to identify the level of value-/price-orientation of any company or market.
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